Unravel the mysteries of the Dark Angels, the most enigmatic and powerful among the Loyalist Space Marine Chapters! As the original Ist Legion from the First Founding, their loyalty to the Emperor is as ancient as it is complex. While they profess undying allegiance, their actions often hint at secret agendas, driven by a need to atone for a 10,000-year-old betrayal during the Horus Heresy.
Steeped in rituals dating back to the dawn of the Imperium, the Dark Angels are a Chapter shrouded in secrecy and tradition. Stand with them at the forefront of the Space Marine Chapters, where they’ve been since their inception, and become part of a legacy as proud as it is mysterious. Your path to redemption and honor begins here!
Expert Coaches in Dark Angels

Matt Morosoli
I like to approach the game in a way that allows me to find creative solutions to problems, rather than just building the most optimized damage lists and hoping to go first.
Factions this coach is experienced in:
Chaos Knights | Chaos Space Marines | Daemons | Dark Angels | Drukhari | Eldar | Necrons | Sisters | Thousand Sons
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Matt Robertson
I'm Matt Robertson, North West England based. I specialize in toolbox armies that are ready for any situation that might opponent could throw at my army.
Factions this coach is experienced in:
Astra Militarum | Blood Angels | Chaos Knights | Chaos Space Marines | Custodes | Daemons | Dark Angels | Death Guard | Drukhari | Eldar | Grey Knights | GSC | Imperial Knights | Leagues of Votann | Necrons | Sisters | Space Marines | Tau | Tyranids | World Eaters
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