Join the elite ranks of the Deathwatch, the Adeptus Astartes’ specialized force dedicated to combating the galaxy’s most dangerous xenos threats! Known as the “Long Vigil” or the “Long Watch,” this unique Chapter serves as the Chamber Militant for the Ordo Xenos of the Imperial Inquisition. When the Astra Militarum’s might isn’t enough and the Inquisition’s own agents fall short, the Deathwatch are the go-to warriors to tip the scales.
From the rampaging Orks and ravenous Tyranids to the malevolent Drukhari, enigmatic C’tan, and immortal Necrons, the Deathwatch stands ready to face them all. These Veteran Space Marines are humanity’s first—and often last—line of defense against the inhuman horrors that lurk in the dark corners of the galaxy. Enlist now and become a guardian against the galaxy’s most terrifying foes!