Discover the enigmatic Leagues of Votann, a confederation of advanced Abhuman clones known as the “Kin.” Often mislabeled as “Squats” by Imperium humans, the Kin are a starfaring race with cutting-edge technology, thriving in the resource-rich worlds at the galaxy’s core. Living alongside their self-aware robotic companions, the Ironkin, they form a unique and egalitarian society.
Misidentified by various races—from being called “Demiurg” by the T’au and Humans, to “Heliosi Ancients” by the Aeldari—the Kin have a complex identity. The Imperium itself is divided on whether to classify them as sanctioned Abhumans or as a xenos species. However, ancient records link them to pre-Imperial Old Earth, making the Abhuman designation more accurate.
Unfazed by what others think of them, the Kin focus on their own advanced civilization. Dive into the world of the Leagues of Votann and explore a society where technology and equality reign supreme. Your journey into this intriguing culture starts now!