Prepare to face the relentless fury of the World Eaters, one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines now residing within the Warp rift known as the Eye of Terror in the Imperium of Man’s Segmentum Obscurus.
The World Eaters, originally known as the War Hounds, were once the XIIth Legion of the twenty First Founding Space Marine Legions, and among the first to forsake their loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind in service to Chaos and the Warmaster Horus.
Even before their fall to Chaos, this Legion was composed of almost inhuman beings. However, after succumbing to the corrupting influence of Chaos, what little remained of their restraint and humanity was stripped away, leaving behind monstrous warriors consumed by bloodlust.
Today, the World Eaters are unwavering devotees of Khorne, the Chaos God of war and murder. They exist solely to spill blood in his name, embracing their role as instruments of carnage. Their Primarch, Angron, was among the first of the Space Marine Primarchs to join Horus in the rebellion against the Emperor, igniting the cataclysmic Horus Heresy.
Enter the maelstrom of chaos and violence that is the World Eaters, where blood flows freely and the thirst for slaughter knows no bounds. Your journey alongside these merciless warriors begins now!